A couple of questions have been raised that we need to clarify-and will endeavour to do so in the next day or so.
These are only my take on things from each case on the main forum recently regarding new track applications and each one has been different.
This is purely my personal view until one of us can get confirmation from the mangement team-I am probably very very wrong but answers to a degree what has happened elsewhere until it can be clarified-hopefully Monday or Tuesday-so get those letters in now.
1. From Peregrinner-Is there a deadline?
My initial read of the Teignbridge site seemed to suggest 30th June-I may have read it wrong-However in the Birmingham case it also gave a date- however in the end any responses would be taken into account until the actual day before the hearing.
2.From Pip-Would it be a good idea just to hand out standard letters that people just sign and send off in a bulk lot.
Different planning authorities respond to things in a totally different way-hence at the supporters club meeting it was asked if letters from afar would really be taken into consideration as some do-some dont-It was checked with Teignbridge by Allen and they had no policy regarding that and each letter would be taken on its own merit.
However- and Im guessing here-a mass drop of the same letter with different names on all appearing at once in the same envelope COULD be seen as a petition-and I know that Godfrey was very vocal,when Plymouth was getting up and running and had 200 or 300 complaints on a petition,turned out that the petition only counted to the planning officers as ONE complaint even though there were a couple of hundred of names on there-so he stated at the time-as opposed to if everyone had written seperately and would have been classed as a couple hundred of complaints.
Those are just my observations from the last few months watching applications and like I said every one is different.
Hopefully we will get the definitive answers to those two questions from either Allen,David,Mike or Tony asap-and as soon as I have the answers I will post them.(If any of you 4 are going to ring me please dont make it too early, as after working all weekend Im intending to have a bit of a lie in)
Incidentally I phoned Teignbridge on Friday as you should be able to view all letters for or against on their website as you can with weymouth application-and they said yes you should be able to but their server they use to post them has gone down and is likely to be down for another two weeks or so.
So get those letters in now-as in a couple of weeks time we should all be look at each others-or not in the case of those who havent written ;D
Just to please Tony -here we go again.......
I feel just like Terry Wogan on Children in Need giving that address out time after time
Write to-
Mr Dave Radford,
Head of Planning Services,
Planning Department,
Teignbridge District Council,
Forde House,
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 4XX
You must quote the planning application number 06/05244/MAJ.
You must also include name and address, as anonymous letters are not taken into consideration.
Oh by the way-If you are near a PC Wednesday night at 7 for half an hour and have Broadband and want to hear the latest from the man himself trying to save the Falcons make sure no one else is on the PC.-More details and a link to follow later.......
Lets just say PLANET SPEEDWAY online-and if you havent listened in yet then you jolly well should.Link to follow as Mondays news.